Friday, July 23, 2010

Sancta Herfordia

A new twist is coming to the website.  I bought a copy of "Sancta Herfordia: Geshicte Herfords von den anfängen bis zur gegenwart" or the history of Herford from the beginning up to the present.  It begins with descriptions of articfacts found at the confluence of the Aa and Werre rivers from 3,000 years BC and works its way to 1979, when the book was written.  My copy is relatively clean, I chose the € 27 copy over the € 18 or 30 copies because I did.....

What's coming of it is this: I have discovered that I am much better at the language than I thought I was.  As a result, I've begun writing a bit in German.  We'll see how that works.  If I'm satisfied, I'll post the stories along with English translations.  I don't think anything that's on at present, lends itself to German, but if they could translate Hesse to English, with enough work, maybe I can translate the friendly neighborhood polak as well.  Mal gucken.....

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