Tuesday, July 5, 2016

KFC Comes to Bielefeld

The Colonel has arrived. Now we've got it all. BK, MC D, Pizza Hut, KFC. Maybe there's room for Windsor Hot Wings! It's not my fault, folks. I'm a big fan of German and Polish food and when I feel like a burger, my own are still the best.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sunday as a Metaphor for.... Something

 I love Sundays. Church bells, families going to Grandma's house, taking walks together; afternoon coffee and conversation. Oh, yeah, the Sunday comics. We don't have them here, but back in the USA, I never missed a Sunday. I did, however miss a Sunday Mass or two.

Back then, Sundays were for wandering around the countryside looking for fishing holes, or watering holes. When no one else had the desire or the time, I would just go as far upriver as I could and still find a trout or a small-mouth bass. Early Summer and Early Fall were the best. The Weather today reminds me of those days. l sometimes miss the trout (and the family) but 'life is good, and so are the Universe and Everything. Sunday is a metaphor for 42.